Thursday 20 December 2012


Today is a windy, rainy, miserable day!

At home we have a wood burning stove which heats the living room and also water to heat radiators in the rest of the house as well as feeding the shower.

Sadly, the weather is against us today. The wind is eddying around the valley and the fire is belching smoke back into the living room! This means the house stinks of smoke and is freezing. It also means that tomorrow I have a tepid shower to look forward to! Nice!

In a desperate effort to stop frost bite I've started a log cabin blanket. It's my take on a log cabin as I have a nasty aversion to weaving in ends and colour work in general. So my cunning plan is to use one colour for a few strips, then change it until I'm bored again! I'm crocheting because of the speed. It's a simple 12 chain base and half treble stitches. Work a square of 12 rows, then turn 90 degrees and crochet 18 half trebles along this edge. Work 6 rows, turn and repeat adding 6 new stitches each time you turn your work. Continue, changing colours as you see fit, until the blanket is as big as you want or you get bored!

After a few hours, I still have cold feet, but at least my lap is starting to get warm!

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