This morning I awoke to the sound of drums.
Odd, thought my sleep befuddled mind.
Nope, not drums - rain. BIG fat heavy rain.
And wind. Lots of wind
I'm done with this weather now. I'd love to wake to a clear, crisp day. I don't need warmth, I'd settle for calm and cold.
Any how. Rant over.
How has your week been?
Mine consisted of work and not a lot else really. No excitement. My work week passed relatively quickly and uneventfully. I had a rubbish day on Friday. I elaborate more about it in the podcast so I won't repeat myself here. Suffice to say I had a glass or two of wine that evening.
I'm sitting on my sofa this morning writing to you, eating toast and drinking tea. I just looked up to see four little eyes looking at me. It seems the rats would like some toast for their breakfast too! I love watching them eat. Their little 'hands' are so sweet.
Any how, I digress!
Feeling the love -
Feeling the love -
The beginning of the week saw me finish up Marion's socks. I love the way they turned out.
I love how the colour saturation matches on each sock. I had hoped to make matching cuffs with the remaining yarn. Turns out, I didn't have enough left over. So the pattern in my head goes on hold until such time as I can set it down in yarn. It may or may not be cuffs, I might turn it into fingerless mitts. I'll see when I start working out the finer details.
I worked on my blanket at knit night on Tuesday. I snuggled underneath it as I worked. I think I'll keep it for this purpose until the spring warms up the walls of Mara's gallery. It was lovely crocheting while my lap was warm and cozy.
I contemplated working on Ben's second sock towards the latter part of the week. I had started the toe, but when I picked it up again I didn't like the tension. It seemed way too loose. I ripped it out and then lost the will to knit it........... so I cast on a pair of socks for me! Oops! They're a plain vanilla sock to carry round with me. They'll be done when they're done.
My favourite thing I've worked on this week is Hana Hou. LOVE IT!!!!! I'm using 3 balls at the same time. When I swatched I learned that I didn't like the way switching skeins every 2 rows worked up. It made for a very stripey fabric, and when you're my size, stripes aren't necessarily your friend. It was suggested by a friend that I try 3 skeins and alternate every row. I love the results. The fabric is gorgeous. The yarn barf that results I love less so!
Did I say I LOVE IT?!?!?!?
This morning I've had a great knitting session. I settled down with my tea, Hana Hou and Mel's latest podcast. I got quite a bit of work done.
I've spun some this week too. I do love to spin. I just wish I had more time. So many nice things to fit into such a small amount of time I have left in my day. Sigh.
I'm trying to spin quite thinly. I'd like to chain ply it and use it for socks. It's a merino silk blend, and I'm hoping that the silk will add some durability to the yarn. We'll see
On the Horizon -
My mother in law sets off on a long trip today. She'll be away for a month. I wish her a safe and wonderful trip.
I hope to continue making progress on all my projects, although I can sense a frogging coming on with the peacock shawl. I'm just not feeling it. I think it's because I don't seem to have enough quiet time to concentrate on the pattern. It's not difficult, it's just that I haven't got it set in my head yet. Maybe I'll try and devote some time to it this week. Maybe.
Have a great week guys
Ellen x