Monday, 21 January 2013

Epic plying

I was just about to go to bed, when I realised I hadn't spoken to you all!! Eeek!

So this week brought snow. The weathermen forecast disaster. Yes, the snow has come down in buckets, but it's winter! That's what can happen! You'd think we'd be better able to cope! As it stands, Cumbria has gotten off lightly on the whole, especially where I am. My son is disgusted! He got a groovy new sledge earlier in the year and he's having to watch the rest of the country having fun in the snow and he's got next to nothing! Me? I'm glad of one less chance of an A&E visit!

I have FO's. Get me!? I've finally finished my blanket, and not a minute too soon. The weather turned nasty and I snuggled down under it. My second FO is spinning. I spent every free second (and a few that should have been spent on housework) on the epic ply-a-thon on Sunday. In the end I have 975 yds of a lace weight 2 ply and an odd few yards of an N-ply. I always like to finish any extras on a bobbin by practising my Navaho ply. I'm not confident enough with it yet to do a whole 4oz, but practise makes perfect, yes?

WIP-wise I've got 3 pieces I've actively worked on this week. The Age of Brass and Steam is my work project and hasn't really had much love this week - it's been busy! Lots of IT changes to bring in.
I finally sucked it up and corrected that row on the Evenstar. I'm happily working my way up chart 2 and I'm loving it. I'm enjoying following the progress of the guys in the group too. It's encouraging to be involved with people on the same journey. The lack of pressure from a deadline is helping the enjoyment too I think. We aren't racing, we're all having fun..... Unless we aren't having fun because we've made a mistake, or can't understand the pattern! But other than that, we're having fun!
The stunning sparkle duck yarn has been cast on. It's going to be a wingspan shawl. It's been in my library for ages and its giving me the mindless, my brain is all laced out, knit that I need to have. The colours are stunning, the black and super saturated violet are right up my street! I've tried to take a photo for this post, but the lighting is sucking the life out of the yarn, so I'll take it outside tomorrow and have another go. I'm using slightly smaller needles than the pattern calls for. Mainly because my 3.5mm tips are in use on my advent scarf. I could have just put end caps on the cable, but that would lead to the scarf languishing unloved for ages. Now, I want my needles back and I'll put some effort into working on it!

The urge to cast on continues and following my re-discovery of stash, I decided to cast on an Inspra cowl. I fell head over heels in love with the steam punk version. I had exactly the yarn in stash for the job- Rico designs Superba Poems. Snag was I didn't quite have the yardage, do I had to get a couple more balls! Oops! But it will wind up with a net DECREASE in stash in the end! Honest!

So plans for the week ahead - organising the Diddy League team for the swimming club looms! I'm thinking happy thoughts. That's all I'm saying about that!

Spinning - Diane from Knitsbulls podcast is thinking of starting a SAL. She want you to spin at least 4oz of a 2 ply, but you have to ply 2 colour ways that you'd not normally put together. Well for me, I've only ever spun and plied the same braid of fibre so I'm way out of my comfort zone before I've even started! I had a look through stash (gulp!) and I've come up with 2 fibres from longdrawjames. Both are a BLF/soy mix. One is "tree frog" and is greens and pinks and the other is "Everest" and is shades of blue and grey. The Everest was on offer, because he said is went a bit awry. Turns out that it's a bit felted so I've done a lot of pre-drafting in preparation. I'm going for whatever weight the fibre wants to be. I don't think it's going to be super thin, but we'll see

Knitting - Evenstar needs love this week. Age of brass and steam will get as much love as my workload permits - I'm expecting this knit to last a while! Wingspan? Well that depends on how much Evenstar makes my brain hurt! And then there's Inspra! Mmmmmmm I want it! So that will probably end up at least cast on. Colour work is usually something I avoid, but this pattern is stunning and unless I make it for me, I'll not get one! And then there's the advent shawl. I need to get it off the needles so I can have the tips back. I'd like to get a day done each week. I'm on day 13 or -4 I think, so over half way.

It getting late, so I'll sign off and speak again next week!
Have fun!

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